Saturday, February 1, 2014


PLAN:   Plan for what?   Essentially you have four choices.   

  1.  Plan to stay put on a short term basis because you know help is on the way soon and has been confirmed. (This is the best scenario)  --or 
  2. Plan to stay put on a long term or undetermined basis because you have no idea if help will come and you are likely not able to travel. –or 
  3. Plan to leave and you have a good idea where you are going and you must leave.  – or
  4. Plan to leave and you have no idea where you are going but you must leave. (probably the worst scenario)
The big question then is to stay put or move on.   While this may depend on many things such as your supplies, weather, ability to travel, knowledge of where to go for safety and many other factors,  IT IS MOST GENERALLY BEST TO STAY PUT especially if you left a plan with others who are expecting you and they know where you will be so appropriate search and rescue efforts can take place with a better chance of success.  If you left your trip plan with others then by all means stay put as much as possible and focus on surviving until rescuers find you.     If after several days of staying put and there are no signs of rescuers, you may have to consider the possibility of moving on and finding your way to safety.  If you left no trip plan with someone back home and you did not contact local rangers or authorities about your plans then you will not have much choice but to try to find your own way from the start.  If you are lost and must on and have you have no idea where you are going, according to the degrees of the compass, you have one chance that you will head in the best direction from the start and 364 chances of going a less favorable direction.  At this point you would quickly begin to understand and appreciate the value of having a map and compass and knowing how to use them to help your situation.   Even in the worst scenario though- stay calm, think clearly and keep a positive attitude -  YOU CAN SURVIVE. 

Whether you stay put or move on your plan should involve prioritized needs.  If you are with other people be sure to consult with them to come up with your best plan and how to systematically make it a success.  Your plan should involve making the best use of your resources and conserving energy as much as possible.  Take time to come up with a well thought out plan.  Priorities should generally be in this order---  medical care, shelter and fire, signaling for help, water and food.  Follow the plan but be open to adjustments to the plan if required to deal with changing situations.   

If you must travel, be sure to leave as many signs along the way to help searchers know which way you are heading.  This will likely help them find you quicker.  



If you do choose to move on and you come to safety or you are no longer lost.  BE SURE TO CONTACT AUTHORITIES IMMEDIATELY so people do not continue to search for you and put their lives at risk while you are enjoying a great meal at a restaurant 

*I would like to dedicate this edition of my blog to: the five people who lost their lives recently in an airplane crash in Yellow Pine Idaho - at Antimony Ridge, and to: the many people involved in the search and rescue efforts and to: the families that lost loved ones.  I express my condolences and wish you comfort.